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研究 2018年的网络平台经济


技术创新正在改变经济交换. 就在十年前, the Online Platform Economy comprised a handful of marketplaces connecting independent 卖家 to buyers of physical goods. 今天, many consumers use software platforms to procure almost any kind of good or service from independent suppliers as a routine part of daily life. 这些创新是否为谋生创造了可行的新选择?

对于这项研究, we extend the 12bet官方 研究所 Online Platform Economy dataset in order to track supply-side participation and earnings. 我们确定了通过128个不同的在线平台进行的3800万笔支付.三百万不同的大通支票账户, 从3900万样本中剔除, 2012年10月至2018年3月. 我们的描述区分了在线平台经济的四个部分:

1. 的 运输 部门,其中 司机 运送人或货物

2. 的 non-transport工作 部门,其中 工人 提供越来越多的服务,包括遛狗, 回家修理, 远程医疗, 还有很多其他的

3. 的 销售 部门,其中独立 卖家 许多商品通过网上市场找到买家

4. 的 租赁 部门,其中 出租 寻找承租人出租房屋,停车位和许多其他类型的资产.

找到一个: 网络平台经济持续发展. 2013年至2018年, 运输 platforms have grown to dominate in terms of both the number of participants and total transaction volume.

我们的样本收入平台收入的比例从0增加.从2013年第一季度的3%下降到1%.2018年第一季度增长6%. 截至2018年3月.5% of families had participated in the Online Platform Economy at some point over the prior year. 2013年至2018年, 运输 platforms have grown to dominate in terms of both the number of participants and total transaction volume. 到2018年3月, 运输 platforms accounted for as many participants and as many dollars as the other three sectors combined.

发现二: Most participants in the Online Platform Economy are active in just a few months out of the year.


Among those who generated earnings through 运输 platforms at any point in a year, 58%的人在当年的三个月或更短的时间内就有收入. 在其他领域, 交战更是断断续续, with less than 20 percent of participants generating earnings in more than half the year.

发现三: 的 growth in the supply of 司机 has come alongside a 53 percent decline in average 运输 earnings.

2013年至2017年, earnings fell by 53 percent in the 运输 sector and grew by 69 percent in the 租赁 sector. Earnings in the non-transport工作 and 销售 sectors were volatile but showed no strong trends.

发现四: Platform earnings represent a major source of income for families in the months they participate but only 20 percent of income among those who participated at any point in the prior year.


2018年1月, platform earnings represented 54 percent of total observed take-home income among active participants. 然而,平台并没有取代传统的家庭收入来源. 在一年中任何时候参与过在线平台经济的人中, average platform earnings represent roughly 20 percent of total observed take-home income in any month of that year.

发现五: Participation rates in the Online Platform Economy varied significantly across the nation.

在23个州和26个城市, 内华达州和旧金山的参与率最高, 大概是2.2018年3月,8%的家庭创造了平台收入. 的 nonemployed and men were more likely than the employed and women to participate on 运输 platforms. 年轻人更有可能参与所有部门.




网络平台经济蓬勃发展. 随着它的成长, 它的行业在重要方面出现了分歧, 这就提出了一个问题,即它们是否需要量身定制的政策方法. 而自由驾驶一直是在线平台经济增长的引擎, 对大多数参与者来说,这不是一份全职工作. 事实上, alongside the rapid growth in the number of 司机 has come a steady decline in average monthly earnings. 非运输工作 platforms continue to innovate on the types of contracts between independent suppliers and their customers. In 销售 and 租赁 sectors, high platform earnings are concentrated among a few participants. 更广泛地说, we do not find evidence that the Online Platform Economy is replacing traditional sources of income for most families. 综上所述, our findings indicate that regardless of whether or not platform work could in principle represent the “future of work,” most participants are not putting it to the type of use that would usher in that future.



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